The ancient history of Okinawa tells us a turbulent story, with violent political upheavals characterizing a major part of the now-peaceful island’s heritage. It was out of these days of unrest that the art of kobudo (the ancient martial way) was born, due to a necessity for peasants to defend their families or property by turning common, everyday items into weapons that could be used for self defence.
Category: Blog
Lessons from Hanshi Chuck Merriman
Hanshi Merriman, 9th degree Black Belt, attended EMAC’s National Black Belt Grading and Gasshuku, Oct. 23-24, 2009. The event was hosted by Sensei Brian Lowry, Chief Instructor, Napanee Karate Club & President, EMAC Canada. Merriman Sensei observed the National Black Belt grading, and was impressed with the spirit of the students. He taught seminars to Dan ranks, and shared his lifetime experience in the Martial Arts. As the highest ranking person in North America in Jundokan Goju-Ryu, we are greatly honoured!