Chinese vocabulary

Chinese Name English Translation
Yut One
Yee Two
Sam Three
Say Four
Um Five
Lok Six
Chat Seven
Bat Eight
Gal Nine
Sup Ten
Sandah/Sanshou Full contact fighting
Kwoon Training Hall
Tongsan Uniform
Kune Fa Fist Law
Hung Sao Doh Empty Handed Way
Sihing Senior
Sitze Senior (feminine form)
Sifu Teacher or Father
Sigung Master
Sijo Grand Master
Sipa Your Sifu’s Sihing (i.e. Your father’s elder brother.)
Ma Bu Horse Stance
Shi Bu Cat Stance
Kom Bu Bow and Arrow Stance
Yu-Bay! Ready!
Gin Lai Salute
Bai Jong Ready Position
Kwoon School or Academy
Si-jo Founder of System
Si-gung Your Instructor’s Instructor
Si-fu Your Instructor
Si-hing Your senior, older brother
Si-dai Your junior or younger brother
Si-bak Instructor’s senior
Si-sook Instructor’s junior
To-dai Student
Toe-suen Student’s Student
Phon-Sao Trapping Hands
Pak sao Slapping Hand
Lop sao Pulling Hand
Jut sao Jerking Hand
Jao sao Running Hand
Huen sao Circling Hand
Boang sao Deflecting Hand (elbow up)
Fook sao Horizontal Deflecting Arm
Maun sao Inquisitive Hand (Gum Sao)
Gum sao Covering, Pressing Hand, Forearm
Tan sao Palm Up Deflecting Hand
Ha pak Low Slap
Ouy ha pak Outside Low Slap Cover
Loy ha pak Inside Low Slap Cover
Ha o’ou sao Low Outside Hooking Hand
Woang pak High Cross Slap
Goang sao Low Outer Wrist Block
Ha da Low Hit
Jung da Middle Hit
Go da High Hit
Bil-Jee Thrusting fingers (finger jab)
Jik chung choi Straight Blast (Battle Punch)
Chung choi Vertical Fist
Gua choi Back Fist
Ping choi Horizontal Fist
Chop choi Knuckle Fist
Saat Knee
Jang Elbow
Kow Tao Head Butt
No’ou tek Hook Kick (Roundhouse Kick)
Juk tek Side Kick
Hou tek Back Kick
Hou juk tek Back-Side Kick
Juen tek Spin Kick
Dum tek Foot Stomp
Gua tek Inverted Hook Kick
Jeet Tek Stop Kick
Jik tek Straight Kick
So tek Sweeping Kick
Chi sao Sticky Hands Excercise
Tan sao Palm Up Deflecting Hand