Thanks for your kind words

Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes for our new daughter, Carrie Victoria.  We should be back in a more normal routine soon and we also will bring her into the dojo for you all to meet her.

Sensei Fred Lohse will be coming to the dojo September 17 – 19.  I would like as many of our Black belts to be on the floor as possible.  Friday night he will be teaching a white crane form (Goju Ryu’s roots are from the white crane system) which I would like you all to learn.  Along with new karate and kobudo drills (solo and partner)

  • Oct 15 – EMAC Black at Eastwind Dojo (all requirements need to be in to Sensei Lowry by set 24)
  • Oct 16 – EMAC gasshuku seminar and tournament at Tudor Hall. starts 8:45am – 4:00pm.

Hello Eastwind Black Belts,

We hope you are having a great Summer of 2010. I know some of you are having a very busy summer. Just do your best to get into class. We are still continuing having the brown and black belt classes thought out the summer. Hope to see you there. Also we have the Saifa Rensoku kumite / Oyo (application) seminar coming up in Napanee this weekend. I hope some of out black belts can attend.

We appreciate each and everyone of you and would not be able to many things in the dojo with out your help, thank you.

We will need your help in the near future when we have our 4th child. Probably for a week to 10 days we will need you people to open the dojo and cover classes while we are welcoming our new baby into the world.

After that Sensei Laura will be taking a short break from teaching and I will teach the 6:00 o clock class and of course my usual classes.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance.
